"What is love" VENUS Reborn: collective art pop-up exhibition
- Kendy Suen 孫曉賢
"The mind is like a skilled painter, able to paint all worldly things; the five aggregates arise from it, and there is nothing it cannot create." These four verses compare our mind to an artist, a painter who can paint all the landscapes, flowers, people, insects, fish, and birds in this world. This mind is limitless - whatever we wish for, our mind can achieve it. Why not use our minds to beautify this world and create a pure land on Earth?
This city is full of love, contradictions and paradoxes. Through music and art, I will join with other artists to see what Venus looks like through their eyes and souls.
"The Birth of Venus" pop-up art exhibition will last for 7 days, during which there will be free calligraphy experiences and creative sharing sessions for everyone to participate in.
Let's take these seven days to see how our love comes into being.
- Kendy Suen
Collaborating artists:
The artist‘s work revolves around the emotions evoked by living in Hong Kong for many years. The aim is to share the experience of growing up in Hong Kong through the medium of painting. In addition to pieces inspired purely by emotion, there are also works that respond to the recent changes in Hong Kong. Through composition and the objects depicted in the paintings, the artist conveys reflections on the current state of Hong Kong and a sense of nostalgia for what has changed over time.
Crystal Leung
梁又仟 (Crystal Leung) 是一位禪繞藝術家、西洋書法家和靈魂探索者,透過作品傳達自愛的理念,喚起觀者與內心的連繫,並鼓勵人們欣賞生活中的每一刻。她在香港出生,從小便熱愛繪畫,學習過素描、水墨畫和油畫,現在專注於禪繞藝術,這種形式讓她的情緒得以表達,並帶來內心的平靜與快樂。禪繞是一種冥想式的藝術表達,專注於無規則的創作過程,讓她學會放下期望,享受創作的樂趣。她的作品在香港多處展出,今年 3 月在 Major Pop Art Gallery 舉辦了首個個展「留白」。作為美國官方認證的禪繞導師(CZT36),她希望讓更多人認識和了解這種藝術,並通過工作坊分享其療癒效果,鼓勵人們在繁忙中尋找內心的平靜。多年練習讓她學會欣賞生活中的不完美,並發現其中的美好。她的創作或許不完美,但仍然獨特而美麗。這一理念也讓她在生活中選擇放鬆心情,感謝所有不期而遇的驚喜,並持續探索自我與內心的平靜。
"Zentangle is a form of artistic meditation that allows you to let go of expectations and embrace the process… Art is the synthesis of my inner feelings, bringing me joy and peace." — Crystal Leung
Crystal Leung, a dedicated Zentangle and lettering specialist, actress, and soul searcher, expresses her self-love journey through her diverse body of work. Each piece aims to inspire viewers to connect with their innermost emotions and appreciate life's richness. Born and raised in Hong Kong, Crystal discovered her passion for drawing early on. She has honed her skills in techniques like charcoal drawing, Chinese ink wash, and oil painting. Currently, she focuses on Zentangle, a meditative art form that enables her to create intricate, non-representational images through structured, repetitive patterns. This method encourages creativity without strict rules or expected
outcomes. Her artwork has been showcased in various venues across Hong Kong, culminating in her recent solo exhibition at Major Pop Art Gallery. As a Certified Zentangle Artist (CZT36), she passionately shares the therapeutic benefits of this practice through workshops and classes, encouraging participants to integrate Zentangle into their daily lives for self-discovery and inner peace. Years of practicing Zentangle have shifted her perspective on life's challenges. The Zentangle Method teaches appreciation for life's happy accidents, allowing her to find beauty in both her creations and her journey, imperfections included. This realization fosters relaxation and joy, emphasizing the importance of embracing life's imperfect nature.
Alessia Bonadonna
Alessia was born in Italy and grew up in Germany, where she studied Industrial Design. She is working as a Product Designer, creating children’s toys for a big toy manufacturer. In her Art she finds the perfect balance of very structured, technical designs and full cre- ative freedom. Her first works were inspired by the stunning nature surrounding the busy metropolis Hong Kong, after she relocated to in 2015. Her paintings live from a variety
of textures, illustrating the different facets Hong Kong has to offer. Bold blue and green acrylic colours encapsulate the nature of the “fragrant harbour”.
She extended her portfolio with a series of up-cycled works, aiming to draw attention to the importance of mental health as well as protection of the environment by reusing pa- per bags from mandatory hotel quarantine in Hong Kong. While “#quarantinebutmakeit- art” features semi-figurative abstracts, “she blossoms” illustrates the blooming nature in still life like conceptual works.
For her latest projects “all you need is love” she returned to canvasses, illustrating love in all kind of ways, creating an inclusive set and normalising everything off the norm.
She has been featured at Project Raw (https://www.projectrawhk.com/home/ales- sia-bonadonna-) and showed her works at her first solo exhibition at Chez Trente in May 2023 as well as in a group show at the Summer Exhibition by the Hong Kong Arts Collec- tive.
website: https://alessia-art.odoo.com IG: alessiatheartist
contact: alessiabonadonna@yahoo.de
Riddick Douglas
得獎藝術攝影系列《Hong Kong Happenings》借用多幅名畫,反映香港社會現象及本土文化,榮獲2009年創意媒體大獎(攝影),並於法國阿爾勒國際攝影節及中國平遙國際攝影大展等展出。他於2015年舉行首個個人攝影展《Painful Revelations》,紀念恩師兼著名攝影師李志超先生離世一周年。在2023年,寧炫聲將會推出最新作品《煙花之地》。
寧炫聲於 2017年成立影像創作室 Riddiculous Studio,曾製作和執導多個音樂錄像、為不同電影擔任劇照師、參與多項廣告企劃,以及拍攝雜誌專題。與他合作過的名人包括林憶蓮、郭富城、C AIIStar、周國賢和 Mirror 等。除攝影和錄像外,他也積極投身文字創作,曾於《經濟日報》和《Men's Uno》撰寫攝影專欄,並為多首流行歌曲填詞。
Riddick Douglas Ning is a Hong Kong photographer, director, and lecturer who specializes in black-and-white portrait and fashion photography. He graduated from the School of Creative Media, City University of Hong Kong, majoring in photography and cinematic art.
The award-winning art photography series "Hong Kong Happenings" intertextualises famous paintings to cover social phenomena and contemporary cultural issues. It won the Creative Media Award (Photography) in 2009, and has exhibited internationally, including Les Rencontres d'Arles (France) and Pingyao International Photography Festival (China). In 2015, he staged his first solo exhibition "Painful Revelations" in tribute to his photography teacher Julian Lee, a renowned Hong Kong photographer. In 2023, Douglas is set to publish his latest work "Where The Firework Dies".
In 2017, Douglas founded Ridiculous Studio, a Hong Kong-based creative production house. He has produced and directed a number of music videos and served as a film still photographer Also he has engaged in advertising campaigns and magazine editorials. Celebrities under his lens include Sandy Lam, Aaron Kwok, C AllStar, Endy Chow, and Mirror, Besides producing images and videos, Douglas has taken on written endeavours by contributing photography columns to Hong Kong Economic Times and Men's Uno, and being a song lyricists.
Reni Haymond
Reni Haymond 雲千藍,於香港浸會大學視覺藝術系取得碩士學位、英國里茲都會大學取得數位多媒體學士學位,於蘇黎世藝術大學進行藝術交流。
2022年「Beyond Future Art Prize」入選18優,2017年入選「台日藝術博覽會」,2016和2015年入選「台北藝術自由日」,2015年入選「新藝潮藝術家獎」,2014年「香港當代藝術獎」入選十優。除展覽外,還與葵涌醫院、誠品書店、香港演藝進修學院和其他藝術機構合作舉辦原子筆繪畫短期課程,亦和香港青年廣場合作推出了純原子筆主題房間。作品曾於香港、台灣、日本、瑞士、中國展出。
Hei Luk
曾在香港和上海的時裝品牌擔任設計總監,並於2009年在HONG KONG YOUNG FASHION DESIGNERS' CONTEST中榮獲總冠軍。
Fashion Designer
I worked as the Design Director for fashion brands in Hong Kong and Shanghai, and in 2009, I won the Overall Winner award at the HONG KONG YOUNG FASHION DESIGNERS' CONTEST.
In terms of painting, I have not taken any formal art classes, but I have been captivated by depicting the facial emotions of people. While photographs can capture moments, painting allows for a more romantic expression of these emotions. I hope that viewers can feel the emotions conveyed in my works through my paintings, where the characters can be calm, sad, or joyful. I believe that every emotion deserves to be shared.
內向的I人,儲夠一點勇氣,參與雙魚好友 Kendy Suen 策動的「維納斯的誕生」聯展。
Primarily dedicated to project management as a profession while in my spare time, I enjoy drawing geometric shapes, symbols, plants, dots and lines. Just this September, I held a private little exhibition of my paintings that I shared only with my closest friends.
As an introvert, after this first and ever courageous attempt, I participated in "the Birth of Venus" joint pop-up exhibition curated by my Pisces bestie, Kendy Suen.
After spending half of my life in communication-related work, I could hear the inner voice that led me to draw, handwrite, and practice yoga. They let me express my true self more freely than words ever could. I would devote the rest of my life to living authentically, embracing intuition as my paintbrush to explore my inner world, loving and healing myself through art.
Poster Photography: @oniros.official
Poster post-design: jakie@commonnco